Best Cervical Surgery in Delhi
Cervical spine and its diseases .
Cervical spine is the part of spine located in the neck.
It has got seven bones called vertebrae and a rubber like soft and flexible disk, in between each 2 vertebrae. It also harbours spinal cord, the main nerve coming from the brain and ultimately dividing into smaller nerves and going to every part of the body. These nerves carry sensations to the brain and provides power to muscles. Compression or damage of the spinal cord or smaller nerves can cause paralysis and loss of sensations. The most common disease of cervical spine is cervical spondylosis, where patient experiences pain in the neck associated with vertigo (chakkar), headache or pain and numbness going down the arms. Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative process and increases with age. X-ray shows bony spurs in the vertebrae and change in the spinal curvature. Cervical spondylosis can lead to CSM (cervical spondylotic myelopathy), where patient finds it difficult to walk due to lack of balance or numbness and weakness in the upper limbs. It is difficult to do the finer movement of the hand like buttoning the shirt. Other common disease is cervical disc herniation (commonly known as slip disc). This is common in young age, where the disk comes out and presses the nerves causing neck pain which may radiate to head, upper back or upper chest or both arms. Patient can also experience numbness and weakness in the arms, neck movement is very painful and can increase the symptoms. It may even cause paralysis. Other rare diseases of cervical spine can be fractures by fall or accidents, infections like tuberculosis and tumours of bones or spinal cord. Investigations Commonly done investigations in cervical spine are X-RAY, MRI, CT SCAN and electrophysiological study NCV & EMG. Best Cervical Surgery in Delhi

Treatment Medicines
Commonly used medicines are the analgesics and antiinflammentry drugs, muscle relaxants, anti vertigo and anti depressant drugs for neuropathic pain.
Cervical Epidural Injection is very effective in tiding the acute condition. It is an OPD procedure, where non particulate steroids injection mixed with local aesthetic and saline are injected using special epidural needle and technique, under local anesthesia.
Other injection treatment commonly done is for neck pain by blocking the medial branch nerve or ablating it by radiofrequency or laser. Patients experiences instant relief of pain and symptoms.
Commonly used modalities are short waved diathermy(SWD), moist packs, interferential current therapy(IFT), Trans electric nerves stimulation(TENS), ultrasonic therapy, laser therapy, cervical traction and therapeutic exercises.
Physiotherapy is always tried for 6 weeks, atleast and is mostly successful in alleviation the patients symptoms.
Surgical Management
Surgery is reserved for patients who don’t improved with conservative management. It is very safe and effective with latest technology and can be performed with minimally invasive approach. Commonly done procedure are to decompress the spinal cord or nerve roots by removing the disk or offending bone and replacing it with artificial cervical disk or fusing the segment. Tumours and infections may warrant challenging surgeries with reconstruction of spinal columns using cages and plates. Posterior cervical surgery in Delhi form of laminectomy and laminoplasty are generally used for myelopathy or tumours. Congenital dislocation and deformities can be treated by posterior instrumentation and fusion. Other surgical procedure may be cervical osteotomy for deformities in ankylosing spondylitis patients.